Application to the Committee on Human Research in the Medical Sciences

The University of Vermont Committee on Human Research in the Medical Sciences (CHRMS) reviews all protocols conducted at the University or the UVM Medical Center from the standpoint of subject welfare. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month. The deadline for protocol submission is three weeks prior to the meeting. This process may take place concurrently with submission to the CRC Scientific Advisory Committee.

See UVM IRB for information on the application, and Application Forms.

After your protocol has been reviewed, please provide the CRC with a copy of the CHRMS approval notice (Protection of Human Subjects Assurance) and the stamped consent form(s). Note that you must have a currently approved consent form on file at the CRC in order to schedule subjects.

All key personnel must complete the CITI program course "Human Subjects & Good Clinical Practice" .


UVM Research Protections Office