Funds to Support

Choose from the options below or call the Development Office at (802) 656-4014 for help directing your gift to the area of the College that you wish to support.

Funds That Support The Robert Larner, MD College of Medicine at UVM

The Larner College of Medicine Fund is the College’s priority annual giving fund. This fund provides annual support to medical students through scholarship, research and travel opportunities, wellness initiatives, and alumni outreach.

The Medical Alumni Association (MAA) Scholarship Fund provides unrestricted, current use scholarship funds for Larner College of Medicine students.

The Freeman Foundation Legacy Medical Scholarship Fund supports students who plan to return and serve the health care needs of Vermonters. It honors the Freeman Family's Legacy of providing scholarship support to assist Larner College of Medicine students to become Vermont doctors, especially in underserved or rural areas.

The Dean's Strategic Fund for Medical Research & Education is a fund for major, unrestricted gifts that give the Dean long-term flexibility for strategic priorities.

Named Funds are named, current operating or endowed funds support students, faculty and research. Please contact us at or (802) 656-4014 if you are interested in naming a fund or contributing to an existing named fund.

Research – Gifts to support research can be designated to a specific department, program or research area. Please call (802) 656-4014 or email giving@med.uvm.edufor more information.

The University of Vermont Cancer Center - Learn more about supporting cancer research, education & care in Vermont. To give to the Cancer Center, click here.

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