Website Management

The Office of Medical Communications is responsible for managing the website for the College. We assist web content editors in departments, center and programs with development and training. We also provides broad support around basic web content management practices.

Website Editing in Sitefinity

Individual web content editors across the college maintain departmental websites using Sitefinity, Larner's Content Management System. The Office of Medical Communications Web Content Manager is available to provide training and support for web content editing.

Web Migration  Information

As Larner Web Content Editors are aware, we will soon migrate all college websites from Sitefinity to Drupal. As a result of that migration, Larner's web presence will be more aligned with the UVM central campus tools, guidelines, and branding. This will allow us partner with the UVM web team to provide enhanced support and training. to utilize additional support and training for web content management. Stay tuned for more information and timelines for your website!


BioBuilder is a web-based application connected to UVM People Management and is used only within the Larner College of Medicine. It may be used to create and edit UVM Web Template bios for use on department and center websites. 

Having trouble logging in or seeing your changes? You may need to change your browser to compatibility mode before using BioBuilder. How to change browser compatibility mode

Troubleshooting: If you're having a problem editing your website(s), please review the Web Editor Manual. Many solutions to common problems can be found there. Still having a problem? Email the LCOM Web Content Manager.