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Janssen-Heininger Awarded Grant to Study Chemo-Resistant Tumors, VermontBiz Reports

October 25, 2022 by Lucy Gardner Carson

(OCTOBER 25, 2022) Research Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Yvonne Janssen-Heininger, Ph.D., has been awarded the Lung Cancer Discovery Award by the American Lung Association in Vermont, according to Vermont Business Magazine.

Yvonne Janssen-Heininger, Ph.D.

(OCTOBER 25, 2022) Research Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Yvonne Janssen-Heininger, Ph.D., an expert in the fields of pulmonary fibrosis and redox medicine, has been awarded the Lung Cancer Discovery Award by the American Lung Association in Vermont, according to Vermont Business Magazine. The grant will fund a project seeking to study protein oxidation in the development of lung cancer with the aim of creating a new druggable target for chemotherapy-resistant tumors. “The goal,” Janssen-Heininger said, “is to be able to interfere with this protein oxidation pathway, focusing on a specific target, in order to destroy lung tumors and to cause cancers to respond much better to cisplatin [chemotherapy], at lower doses. Ultimately, we hope this study will lead to improved response to immunotherapy.”

Read full story at Vermont Business Magazine

Faculty Highlights

Jason Bates is the recipient of this year’s “ Solbert Permutt Trailblazer award in pulmonary physiology and medicine” awarded by the RSF assembly of the American Thoracic Society.

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Recent cover of an article by Gabe Tharp (Anesthesia), including Jason Bates and Anne Dixon.