Presentation Slides
The Impact of the Social Determinants of Health presented by Kofi Essel, MD, MPH, FAAP and Rich Sheward, MPP
Ask the Experts: Understanding the National, State and Local Landscape for Food Security and Parental Well-Being
Moderated by Rich Sheward, MPP and Wendy Davis, MD, FAAP
Sarah Guth, MD
Kay Johnson, MPH, MEd
Kofi Essel, MD, MPH, FAAP
Strategies to Improve Parental Depression and Food Insecurity Screening and Referral Processes presented by Chris Pellegrino, MS, ASQ, CMQO/E
Food Insecurity Screening Tools
Presented by:
Sarah DeSilvey, MSN
Rich Sheward, MPP
Kofi Essel, MD, MPH, FAAP
Parental Depression: Interventions for Moderate or Severe Screening Results presented by Sandra Wood, CNM, PMHNP and Sarah Guth, MD
Food Insecurity: Implications for Policy and Practices at the National, State and Local Level
Presented by:
Jill Rinehart, MD, FAAP
Faye Conte
Protective Factors and Family Strengths: Aligning our work to promote strengths in the context of social determinants of health presented by Breena Holmes, MD, FAAP, Barb Frankowski, MD, MPH, FAAP and Kay Johnson, MPH, MEd
Parental Depression Screening: Incorporating Validated Tools into Your Practice
Presented by:
Sandra Wood, CNM, PMHNP
Kate McIntosh, MD, FAAP
Stanley Weinberger, MD, FAAP
Food Insecurity: Interventions for positive screens moderated by Anya Koutras, MD and Rich Sheward, MPP
Alicia Jacobs, MD
Katy Davis
Michelle Wallace
Janet Kilburn and Elizabeth Gilman
Taking the Next Steps: What can you do by next Thursday? What should we do next year? presented by Wendy Davis, MD, FAAP and Stanley Weinberger, MD, FAAP
MOC Quality Improvement Project Orientation and Overview: Your Prescription for Change: Family Well-Being and Food Security presented by Stanley Weinberger, MD, FAAP and Chris Pellegrino, MS, ASQ, CMQO/E
*Slides were not used for the Voices from the Field: Parental Depression and Food Insecurity presentation.