Call for
Abstracts is open: 2020 NEGEA Annual Conference

In case you haven’t heard, the Larner College of Medicine is hosting the
2020 NEGEA Annual Conference: "Adaptive Education: Teaching for Learning and the Public Good" (see details in save the date below)!
accepting submissions! Submit here, all submissions are due October 31,
2019. Click here for submission criteria
Medicine Seminar: October 10
The Department of Medicine would like to
announce a special seminar:
Women in Medicine: Creating a
More JEDI Healthcare Environment with Darilyn V. Moyer, MD, FACP, FRCP, FIDSA;
Executive Vice President and CEO, American College of Physicians
Thursday, October 10, 12-1pm,
Davis Auditorium (Sponsored by the Departments of
Medicine and Emergency Medicine)
Followed by a special seminar and
social hour from 1-4pm. Details and registration to follow. (Sponsored by the Department of
Medicine and LCOM Teaching Academy and Office of Diversity and Inclusion)
IAMSE Annual Meeting Submission Dates
The IAMSE Annual Meeting will take place June 13-16, 2020 in Denver, CO. Here are some important upcoming dates and deadlines:
Poster and Oral Abstracts Deadline - December 1, 2019
Educational Grant Submission Deadline - December 15, 2019
Travel Awards Deadline - December 15, 2019
Registration Open - January 1, 2020
For more information and other important dates, visit
Induction and Award Ceremony and Snow Season Poster Session
Wednesday, January 15, 2020; 5:00 – 8:00pm; Larner College of Medicine
Please join the Teaching Academy as we welcome new members, present our annual awards for teaching and educational excellence, and enjoy a reception
with colleagues during our Snow Season Poster Session with authors.
2020 Snow
Season Education Retreat
Thursday, January 16, 2020; 7:30am - 4pm; Davis Center
An all-day education retreat featuring workshops on clinical teaching, social medicine, active learning, and resources for educational scholarship; networking; and a keynote
session. This event is open to all UVM Larner College of Medicine faculty. *Note the change in day and venue. Details and registration will be announced this fall!
NEGEA 2020 Annual Conference
Thursday, April 30-Saturday, May 2, 2020
The Robert Larner MD College of Medicine will host the 2020 NEGEA Annual Conference. The NEGEA
is one of four regional groups of the AAMC’s Group on Educational Affairs (GEA). Its purpose is to promote excellence in the education of medical students, residents and physicians through the professional development of medical educators.
Regional meetings provide a forum for exchanging ideas, learning new strategies and developing plans that may facilitate your own work and the implementation of the NEGEA’s mission. Details and registration will be announced this fall!
accepting abstract submissions! Submit here, all submissions are due October 31,
2019. Click here for submission criteria
Questions about The Teaching Academy?
Please contact: