CONGRATULATIONS 2022 Frymoyer Scholars Program Recipients!
- Jennifer Covino, MD; Nathaniel Meuser-Herr, MD; Colleen Pennington, BSN, RN; Disa Seymour, MS, RNC-MNN
Department of Pediatrics
Improving Newborn Resuscitation in the Community Hospital Setting with Physician-Nurse Led Distributed
Practice of Simulation and Structured Debriefing
- Emily Greenberger, MD; Jamie Rowell, MD; Jess VanNostrand, MD; Karen Dearborn, RN; Katie Dezotelle, RN; Teah Cardeilhac, RN; Deirdre O’Reilly, MD, MPH
Department of Medicine
Fostering the Qualities of Excellent Clinical Teachers in
Medicine: Interprofessional Collaboration for Feedback, Coaching, and Assessment in Medical Education
- Katie Wells, MD, MPH; Ashley McCormick, DO, Resident; Cate Nicholas, MS, PA, EdD ; Kathryn Collier, MD, Resident; Robert Althoff, MD; Nat Mulkey, MD, Resident; Kathy Walsh, MD; Eli Goldberg, MD, Resident; Laura Mulvey, MD; Emily Reed, MSW; Kyle
DeWitt, PharmD; Louisa Smith, BSN, RN; Christopher Doran, BSN, RN; Erica Carlson, BSN, RN; Raenetta Liberty, MSN, RN; Alison Segar, MSW; Kell Arbor, MA
Department of Surgery; Division of Emergency Medicine
Building an Interdisciplinary
Gender Affirming Care Model in the Emergency Department
CONGRATULATIONS Teaching Academy Members!
Honors Night
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society Award: Katie Wells, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Emergency Medicine
Harry E. Howe, M.D. & Theo O. Howe Outstanding Teacher of Surgery Award: Katherine Dolbec, MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Emergency Medicine
NEGEA 2022
Members of LCOM and the Teaching Academy were recipients of 2 Oral Abstract Presentation Awards at the 2022 NEGEA Virtual Annual Conference:
- Hot Spots and Cold Hollows: Curriculum Heat Mapping as a Visual Resource for Medical School Curriculum Competency Review by Kathryn Huggett, PhD; Stephen Goldman; Laurie Gelles,PhD; Jesse Moore, MD; Karen Lounsbury, PhD; Elise Everett, MD
- Cranial Pursuit computer-based neuroanatomy games: An interinstitutional study to assist their impact on learning outcomes by Tara Lindsley, PhD; Rebecca Keller, PhD; Isabelle Maisonnneuve, PhD; Karen Lounsbury, PhD;
Debra Byler, MD; Usman Hameed, MD (Albany Medical College, Larner College of Medicine, and Penn State Hershey College of Medicine)
And had a poster featured (Finalist. Funded by the LCOM Alumni Association summer grant program):
- Quietly Teaching Future Physicians Resilience by Alexander Kubacki; Obhijit Hazarika, MD; Lydia Grondin, MD; Daniel Sherrer, MD, MBA, FASA, FAACD; Mitchell Tsai, MD, MMM, FASA, FAACD
Dean’s Award for Professionalism Faculty Award

Nathalie Feldman, MD, Director of the Learning Environment, Interim Associate Dean for Admissions, and Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Teaching Academy Master Teacher, received a 2022 Dean’s
Award for Professionalism Faculty Award.
Random Chats About Data: An informal workshop on statistics related concepts for researchers and students
June 9; 11am-12pm; Dana Medical Library Classroom. UVM Libraries’ Statistical Design and Specialist Maria Scholnick
will host a workshop on statistics related concepts for researchers and students. June’s Topic: Data Collection. For information, visit
Alliance for Clinical Education
June 9th at 1PM ET/NYC. Register for this session at:
Presenters: Drs. Archana Sridhar and Calvin Chou from UCSF
This session will address the following objectives:
-Identify and describe the steps for the remediation of a struggling learner
-Describe the components of effective coaching and feedback
Documentary Film: Keepers of the House
In this 15-minute documentary film Keepers of the House, eight hospital housekeepers tell stories of singing or praying with patients on their wards, of providing encouragement and advice, and developing friendships that
continue beyond the period of the hospital stay. They describe the ways in which their work brings meaning to their lives, and the difficulties that they face upon the death of a patient whom they have come to know.
The film teaches lessons about empathy, humility, and teamwork, and is ideal for incorporation into medical education curricula related to interprofessionalism, empathic communication, and diversity and inclusion. It requires us to think about our
day-to-day interactions with hospital cleaners, and food service and transport workers. Recently, an article was published about the positive impact of the film on an interdisciplinary group of health care students:
The article, which appeared in The Clinical Teacher, also suggests ways to use the film in an educational setting. The film itself can be viewed at
Ins and Outs of Entrustable Professional Activities
'Ins and Outs of Entrustable Professional Activities’ has planned a live course (besides online versions) in Montreal, October 25-26, preceding the International Conference
on Residency Education (ICRE) in Montreal. A team of experts on the topic will be present as course facilitators (Drs Bob Englander, Claire Touchie, David Taylor, Carrie Chen, Dan Schumacher, Olle ten Cate). We invite all who are interested and
engaged in the development of EPA-based curricula and assessment in an health profession education program to attend. Please refer to for more information and registration, or download a flyer.