NEGEA 2019 Annual Conference
Some highlights from NEGEA 2019:
Teaching Academy Director, Dr. Katie Huggett presented on Friday, April 5: “Writing and submitting a successful NEGEA grant proposal” K. Huggett, A. Swan-Sein Robert Larner, M.D., College of Medicine at the University of Vermont; Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
Cara Simone of LCOM presented an oral abstract. She was joined by collaborators and Teaching Academy Members Cate Nicholas, EdD, PA; Jesse Moore, MD; and Katie Huggett on Saturday, April 6: “A Six-Step Active Learning Design Process: Illustrating the Iterative Process of Design, Engagement, & Reflection in Medical Education” C. Simone, C. Nicholas, J. Moore, K. Huggett; Robert Larner, M.D., College of Medicine at the University of Vermont.
Others from Teaching Academy Members involved were:
An oral abstract presentation nominated for an NEGEA Excellence in Medical Education Award: “A Qualitative Study to Inform an Effective Model for Mentoring in Medical Education Scholarship” E. CichoskiKelly 1, R. Blanchard 2, A. Fornari 3, W. Herman3, J. Kogan 4, D.O’Malley 1, S. Ratmeyer 5, S. Rougas6, N. Saks7 1Robert Larner MD College of Medicine at the University of Medicine at the University of Vermont, 2 Baystate Health/University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate, 3Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, 4Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, 5University of Vermont, College of Education and Social Sciences, 6Alpert Medical School of Brown University, 7Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
A poster nominated for an NEGEA Excellence in Medical Education Award: “The Medical Student Mental Health Panel: A powerful approach to overcoming barriers to medical students seeking mental health care” L. Rosen 1, L. A. Holterman, M. Bitterman, E. Lynch, O. Larkin Robert Larner MD College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, 2Northwestern University the Feinberg School of Medicine
A poster: “Creating standardized active learning instructional methods to replace lecture in a medical school curriculum “ J. Moore, R. Wilcox, K. Lounsbury, LA. Holterman, C. Simone, K. Huggett Robert Larner MD College of Medicine at the University of Vermont
SAVE THE DATE: NEGEA 2020 Annual Conference
The Robert Larner MD College of Medicine will host the 2020 NEGEA Annual Conference. Mark your calendars now for April 30-May 2, 2020.
*NEW* UVM FACULTY DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Hosted by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Teaching the Culture of Compassionate Care and Resilience to Interprofessional Student Teams in Classroom and Clinical Settings With Timothy Cunningham, DrPh, MSN, RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing, Director of the Compassionate Care Initiative
Click here to view the flyer: IPE WORSKSHOP_TIMCUNNINGHAM
Monday, April 29, 12-1:30pm, Larner Classrom (MedEd100)
RSVP to, 656-2018
UVM Welcomes Mills Kelly
UVM is pleased to welcome Mills Kelly, Professor of History at George Mason University who will give two talks at UVM on April 11th: “More than Scholarly Teaching: SoTL in your Discipline and Beyond,” and “The Appalachian Trail in Vermont: The First 50 Years.” Details about these events and the speaker’s bio can be found online. Professor Kelly’s visit is sponsored by the UVM Office of the Provost, Center for Teaching and Learning, the History Department, and the Environmental Program.
StorySlam Rx
The Gold Humanism and Alpha Omega Alpha honor societies at the UVM Larner College of Medicine will be hosting a Moth-style StorySlamfor all members of the UVM Medical Center community on May 16th, 2019. If you are interested in telling a story? Come work with Moth producer and StorySlam winner Susanne Schmidt on Tuesday, April 30 5:30-8:30pm in the Larner Classroom.
For more information on the workshop go to, and for tickets or sign up to share a story, visit
DID YOU KNOW? Faculty Development Video Series for Medical Educators
The Teaching Academy has a Faculty Development Video Series for Medical Educators. Improve your teaching with this series of short videos on essential topics for medical educators. This resource features Teaching Academy members and was directed by Laurie Leclair, MD while she served as a Faculty Associate of the Teaching Academy last year. The videos are free and open for anyone to view and there is CME credit available! For more details about the video series and how to obtain CME credit, visit