Grade Appeals and Narrative Assessment Appeals
Policy 540.60
Policy Statement
A student who disagrees with a final course or clerkship grade or examination performance, OSCE performance (clinical skills exam) and/or narrative assessment may formally appeal to the course director. The appeal must be initiated via email communication with the course director, within ten University business days of the release of the grade or narrative assessment. The appeal must include a rationale for the appeal and any supporting information (facts, description of circumstances). The director will bring the student’s concerns to those individuals involved in the grade or narrative assessment and render a decision in writing within ten University business days (see Policy Elaboration).
Policy Elaboration
A student may not contact any faculty member or resident (other than the course director) who contributed to their grades or narrative assessments to discuss their grade. Such contact is considered unprofessional behavior and could subject students who violate this provision to a formal review of their professional performance. The course director will have the final ruling on grading in a given course, unless the student alleges that there has been a violation of stated procedures. In this case the student may appeal the grade to the level director, who will have the final decision on the validity of the record under challenge. In the case where the level director is also the course director, the student will appeal to the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, who will have the final decision on the validity of the record under challenge. A student actively appealing a grade/assessment per Policy 540.60 may still be referred to the Advancement Committee at the discretion of the curriculum level Assistant Dean based on currently available facts and information. If a student has initiated a formal appeal process within ten University business days and has also received formal notification of referral to appear before the Advancement Committee for the grade being actively appealed, then they are expected to notify the Associate Dean for Students by email to discuss the Advancement Committee referral.
Applicability of the Policy
All Medical Students
Related Larner College of Medicine Policies
Related University of Vermont Policies
Related Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Standard(s)
9.9 Student Advancement and Appeal Process
- 7/16/2013 Policy Adopted/Affirmed [Medical Curriculum Committee]
- 6/18/2019 Policy Revised [Medical Curriculum Committee]
- 1/21/2020 Reformatted [Medical Curriculum Committee]
- 02/18/2020 Policy Revised [Medical Curriculum Committee]
- 8/20/2024 Policy Revised [Medical Curriculum Committee]
Policy Oversight
Associate/Assistant Dean for Students (Director of Academic Achievement)
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