News from the Department of Medicine

  • Littenberg Comments on Bernie Sanders' Doctor's Report on WPTZ-TV
    A letter from Senator Bernie Sanders' physician that was publicly released on January 28, 2016 reported that the presidential candidate is in very good health for a 74-year-old man. Local Vermont NBC affiliate WPTZ-TV interviewed Benjamin Littenberg, M.D., University of Vermont professor of medicine and director of General Internal Medicine Research, about the health findings featured in the letter. Watch a video of the interview here.
  • Solomon Comments on Eliminating Kidney Injury from Contrast Media in Medscape, MD
    Comments from UVM Patrick Professor of Medicine Richard Solomon, M.D., continue to receive coverage and are again featured in a Medscape article regarding research from China suggesting that central venous pressure monitoring allows safe fluid administration, preventing contrast-induced nephropathy in patients with chronic kidney disease and congestive heart failure. View a PDF of the Medscape article here or subscribers can view the online article here.

    Read the MD article from December 9, 2015.

  • Repp Comments on How the Body Processes Swallowed Gum for Nautilus Blog
    Comments on what happens to the body after chewing and swallowing gum or other items from Allen Repp, M.D., UVM associate professor of medicine, are featured on the Nautilus Blog in this post about “The Case for Common Sense Gum-Control.” Read the blog post here.
  • Annual Music Concert Founded by Weiss Mentioned in Times-Argus
    Beethoven’s Ninth, an annual concert featuring volunteer instrumentalists and choristers which was founded in 2002 by Daniel Weiss, M.D., Ph.D., UVM professor of medicine, was covered. Read the full article in the Times-Argus here.