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Lee Comments on Concerning Trend of Hepatitis in Kids in The Atlantic

May 13, 2022 by Lucy Gardner Carson

(MAY 13, 2022) Benjamin Lee, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics, was quoted in a story in The Atlantic on the alarming trend of previously healthy children being diagnosed with hepatitis .

Benjamin Lee, M.D.

(MAY 13, 2022) Benjamin Lee, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics, was quoted in a story titled “Is a Common Virus Suddenly Causing Liver Failure in Kids? in The Atlantic on the alarming trend of previously healthy children being diagnosed with hepatitis. The common scenario in this new trend is for the child to have the typical symptoms, such as jaundice and liver damage markers, but test negative for the usual suspects behind liver disease and test positive only for adenovirus. Adenovirus is a common virus best known for causing mild colds, pink eye, or stomach flu that has only rarely been linked to hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, in immunocompromised patients -- but these are kids who don’t have that history.