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Rettew speaks with VT Digger about Proposed Resolutions to Vermont's Medical Marijuana Program

October 16, 2017 by Madi Wood

On October 16, 2017, UVM Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics David Rettew, M.D. was highlighted in the VT Digger article, "Vermont physicians propose go-slow approach on pot legalization," regarding two proposed resolutions to Vermont's medical marijuana program

David Rettew, M.D., associate professor and director of child psychiatry

On October 16, 2017, UVM Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics David Rettew, M.D. was highlighted in the VT Digger article, "Vermont physicians propose go-slow approach on pot legalization," regarding two proposed resolutions to Vermont's medical marijuana program. He co-authored the resolutions regarding legalization and medical marijuana with dermatopathologist Catherine Antley, M.D., and fellow UVM Professor of Psychiatry and Family Medicine John Hughes, M.D. 

In the article, Rettew notes that although the potential exists for marijuana to be used effectively in medical settings, "This process of deciding what should be allowed is really kind of doing the job of the FDA," he said. Read the full article here.