Freeman Lab in the News

Spring 2016

Freeman Lab members Laurel Haines and Eric Curran presented work at The University of Vermont Student Research Conference in April.

Kalev Freeman and Eric Curran with Poster, 2016      Laurel Haines with Poster, 2016

Kalev Freeman with musicians Matt Flinner and Matt Schrag in the lab


Grammy-nominated recording artist Matt Flinner (right) and musician Matt Schrag (center) having a jam session in the lab. 3/15/16.





Fall 2013

Cover of Vermont Medicine Magazine featuring Kalev Freeman

Vermont Medicine Magazine: Probing the Mysteries of Trauma

A Day in the Life of UVM: October 8th, 2013

Vermont Public Television Television Special: Damage Control

WCAX Health Watch: Concussions


Fall 2012

Vermont Public Television Cafe Scientifique: Concussions and Brain Trauma