UVM Online CMIE Library

UVM Online CMIE was created to offer accessible online learning opportunities for the health care team and is a collaborative effort between the University of Vermont and University of Vermont Health Network.

UVM Online CMIE Library aims to connect learners to the latest educational offerings on important health issues through multi-modal teaching and strengthen the skills and knowledge of program participants to improve practice and ultimately, improve patient outcomes.

rawpixel-602153-unsplashCurrent UVM Online CMIE Topics Include:

  • Preventing Intentional Self-Poisoning in Youth: A Toolkit for Vermont Health Care Providers
  • Environmental Controls: What they are, Why they matter, What you can do
  • New Provider Epic Training
  • And More! - Please see our list of all Online CMIE Activities for any recent additions or updates.

Quick Links

button_uvm-online-cmie Directions for vLIFE Library

link to My Credits login page



If you are planning an online activity:

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Email UVMCMIE@med.uvm.edu to suggest topics/presentations for the UVM CMIE Online Library.