
The Vermont Center on Behavior and Health (VCBH), led by Director Stephen T. Higgins, PhD, is an interdisciplinary research center committed to investigating relationships between personal behavior patterns (i.e., lifestyle) and risk for chronic disease and premature death. Our work has historically focused on health disparities for the most vulnerable populations, particularly among the socioeconomically disadvantaged where these risk factors are overrepresented.


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Located in Burlington, VT at the University of Vermont, Larner College of Medicine, VCBH researchers have a specific focus on understanding mechanisms underpinning risk and developing effective interventions and policies to promote healthy behavior. A common thread across VCBH research projects is the application of knowledge from the disciplines of behavioral economics and behavioral pharmacology to increase understanding of vulnerability to unhealthy behavior and the use of incentives and other behavioral and pharmacological interventions to support healthy behavior change interventions and policies.

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Upcoming VCBH Events

Monthly Lecture Series:

March 19:
Joanna Streck, PhD
Harvard Medical School

April 16:
Ryan Vandrey, PhD
Johns Hopkins University

May 21:
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD
University of New Mexico

Visit the Center on Rural Addiction



VCBH Career Opportunities

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Click here for more information.


8th Annual VCBH Conference

October 16, 2020 by Nicole Twohig

Last week, we held the 8th Annual VCBH Conference virtually due to COVID19. This year’s theme, Rural Addiction and Health, “could not be timelier with the emergence of COVID-19 and the ripple effects we have seen, from health disparities to increased opioid overdoses and the use of telemedicine,“ noted VCBH Director Stephen T. Higgins in his welcome letter to attendees.

Last week, we held the 8th Annual VCBH Conference virtually due to COVID19. This year’s theme, Rural Addiction and Health, “could not be timelier with the emergence of COVID-19 and the ripple effects we have seen, from health disparities to increased opioid overdoses and the use of telemedicine,“ noted VCBH Director Stephen T. Higgins in his welcome letter to attendees.

Our two-day conference opened on October 8th and included a special welcome from U.S. Senator Patrick J. Leahy and UVM Vice President for Research Kirk Dombrowski. Steven Woolf, MD, MPH from Virginia Commonwealth University gave a keynote presentation on “The Decline in US Life Expectancy: Are Deaths of Despair Responsible?”

We gathered outstanding speakers from universities, state health departments, and federal agencies to present on topics ranging from substance abuse disorder and adverse outcomes to cancer and cardiac events. Our conference culminated with a day dedicated to challenges of opioid use disorder in rural settings.

We were also pleased to host two live virtual poster sessions with six themes that included opioids, alternative tobacco products, and marijuana. These live sessions allowed for increased engagement between poster presenters and attendees.

If you missed our conference or would like to revisit portions, you can now access videos and presenter slides on our conference website and our YouTube channel.